Thursday, December 11, 2008

Garrett Costlow

At the cheerleading gym that i work at we rent out the gym to a youth popwarner cheerelading team and after 0bserving their practice i notice that compared to my teams that are allstar teams that pay the money to get the proper coaching, the youth team has a lack of disapline and quality coaches. The coaches are just parents of the kids that "think" they know what they are adoing and talking about but they really dont. this Shows how parents try to get to involved with their kids sports that they even try coaching. It also shows hows the diffrence of the parents being able to pay for true coaching and quality coaching. The technique that the youth teams were using wasa very poor. They are just trying to throw their skill with out knowing really how to do it correctly. This is caused because the parent that is coaching them thinks they know what they are talking about but they really dont. Another thing i noticed was that the youth team though that they were the best team arouand when in fact if they were to compete in an allstar competition then they would most likely come in last place. I feel that these athletes need to move over into the allstar teams if they truly like the sport so that they may progress better and to know what they were doing.


Kerrie Kauer said...
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Kerrie Kauer said...

It's really sad to see coaches that think they know what they are doing and they don't and it ends up hurting the players.

christie pleskacz