Is it possible for a superstar athlete to remain faithful to their spouse? Blinded by lights and glamor many of these elite athletes tend to cheat on their significant others. This brings about a question, are highly paid and idolized athletes more prone to cheat compared to your average Joe? I believe so; money and power brings about many temptations, and sometimes these athletes just cannot help themselves. After all they are only human. Athletes such as Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant have been caught up in such scandals. Both of these athletes are constantly traveling and are an image in our society. Does the fact that they both cheated on their wives make them less of a person? Not that I am justifying cheating, but both of these men probably have done more to help society in positive ways compared to your average person who has never cheated on their spouse. If they are seen as less of a moral person, then so should all of the women that they have slept with. It takes two to tango, and sadly in events like these many of the women are using these men to become famous for their 15 minutes. I won't lie, I love all of the late night television jokes that are surrounding Tiger's infidelities right now, but come on cut the guy some slack; he has the same troubles as each and every one of us, the only difference is he is a multimillionaire.
N. Veeh
Kin 332i
1 comment:
I agree! The media focuses far too much on the lives of the 'rich' and 'beautiful' and less on what really matters in the world. We seem to hold those in the spot light to greater standards than we do ourselves. If we were in their shoes, would we not be tempted as well by adoring fans? I naturally would not because my girlfriend scares me, but tiger woods is only human and prone to human error just like all of us. The difference is that he must not only face his wife but all of america which is not publicly humiliating him over the ordeal. Of course this will be the case since the populous is more interested in gossip than worldly affairs.
D.Albus Kin 332I Sec. 2
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