Bringing the Students of Sociocultural Dimesions of Sport Together...eclectronically!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fat Phobia vs. Eating dissorders
College vs. NBA
Ryan Plunkett Kin 332I
College vs. NBA
Ryan Plunkett Kin 332I
NBA Lockout Resolved
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Distant assignment
The media focused on the students rioting and the disappointment that their coaches and faculty were being fired. It brought little attention at first to the seriousness of the crimes Sandusky had committed. It also didn’t make it very clear why the head coach Paterno and other faculty were being fired. It also neglected the feelings of the victims. The PSU scandal has been portrayed by media as a series of immoral choices that went about to protect their prestigious community.
Coming from a constructionist framework I would blame the way the power structure was set up. Because no one sought to go outside this power structure and call the police. This is based on over conformity. In this case people ignored innate reactions to such immoral behavior and followed rules of their interior power structure.
I personally think this scandal could of easily been avoided if someone stepped up from any position who was aware of Sandusky’s wrong actions and called law enforcement. I believe there is no excuse to ignore his wrong behaviors and people should be punished for their actions and not be excused for their position in power.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Athletes and Positive Self Talk
One of the hardest barriers for athletes to overcome are the negative thoughts that go through their minds when facing adversity. Athletes tend to use negative self-talk that often prevent them from staying optimistic during demanding situations. The use of positive self-talk are daily ongoing conversations that individuals use to keep themselves motivated, these affirmations assist them in consistently keeping a confident and hopeful outlook. Athletes must encompass and instill in themselves a positive mental mind-set. They are accountable for guiding themselves and developing a better sense of positive self-talk. Many athletes may lack this important technique and will never fully develop an understanding of positive self-talk without consistent practice. Someone who is thinking positively is capable of staying regularly focused and determined to handle different situations. Positive self-talk is a great technique that allows athletes to change their state of mind to persevere through the hardships and improve their performance. Athletes who practice positive self-talk is an individual who carries great confidence and has no doubt in his or her abilities to achieve there desired goals. The athlete who sees things positively will tend to look for the good in every situation and allow them to succeed.
Friday, November 18, 2011
distance learning assignment
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Distance Learning Assignment PSU Sandusky Scandal
Everytime I learn new information about the Sandusky case it somehow tops my previous 'shocking' reaction to the previous news. The information that continues to come up regarding the case becomes more and more shocking and disgusting at the same time. The people involved, the rioting Penn State students, Sandusky's attorney, just everything. When I heard the interviews of both Sandusky and his attorney I couldn't believe the answers to the questions they had. To me that way the interviews went seems like evidence enough to clearly show that Sandusky is guilty. The media presents the information to the public taking sides with the victims (thankfully) and in my opinion it would help when it comes to making sure the outcome is what it should be. I think It's really important for the victims to speak and for them to understand that it's okay for them to do so just to make sure justice is served. It would be really hard for the victims, but I think it would provide really evidence for the case. Kerrie brought it up in class about how the NCAA has not said anything of the issue which seems odd because they are a very important factor when it comes to power in college athletics. It seems as though the media are in control when it comes to power in this story, and for once they actually seem to be portraying the most morally correct viewpoint, which I think is odd for our society since the news always seems to drift off into topics that are not necessarily important. I hope since the media are the major focus that they continue to provide this viewpoint that Sandusky is guilty.
Nylene H. Kin332I Sec03
So what do you say to a legacy that literally went down the drain? Joe Paterno can be assumed to be the greatest and most wins by a coach in Division 1 college football. His 409 victories stand alone and his 46 years as a coach at PSU, there is no coach to stand to the greatness of what this man provided for his football teams. However, Paterno will no longer be initially thought for his greatness but what he didn’t do in the Sandusky controversy of raping kids. The whole PSU football program knew of thee acts but yet not one word was said until years later, it’s unfortunate that such a thing had to occur but thankfully at least someone spoke out now. These men deserve to be held accountable for these embarrassing acts that are plain disgusting. As coaches of the program holding or keeping secrets just like Paterno was not the smartest choice but the dumbest, they know in their right mind what happened in that situation was suppose to be brought up immediately to the law enforcement. The media has been on this case for a few weeks now, why? Well the history, prestige, the greatness of its team, and the man, the icon Joe Paterno. The school itself is well known and its team is always on the top rankings, however I believe this case gets more attention because Joe Paterno. To find out that Joe actually knew of this selfish act by one of his assistants and not take action it really confuses me and then you see PSU students protesting on the behalf of Joe Paterno to save his job it’s just crazy to me. The media throughout the years depicted this man as the face of the program, he was someone meaningful, and he was an iconic coach that provided a sense of motivation and leadership. But what his actions tell us is that the fame got to his ego, he was more worried about how this situation can influence his success by literally ending his career. What’s crazy is that as this story is revealing day in and day out and as bad as the raping of kids is I myself find it hard to believe that the media made this situation about Paterno. The media has turned it to the importance of Joe Paterno more so than the importance of bringing people to justice. These acts done by professional coaches are just disgusting, they preach honesty, compliance, good ethics and for this to happen is just astonishing. However, I think about one thing. What if someone of a low minority racial background were the coaches involved in such a case? Would the media give some type of attention or would it give far more attention?
Kin 332I
Horacio Guerra (M/W: 12:30-1:45)
Paterno Sucks University
The media has placed a lot of attention to the Pen State scandal. One of the reasons why it does is because of the relationship Sandusky has. He has a relationship with Patorno, who is the head football coach at Pen State. Patorno is an iconic symbol of success within the college football world. When Mcquiry saw Sandusky in the locker room with the young boy, he did what he believed to be the correct thing. Although somewhere in between,, someone overlooked Sandusky’s actions because of his foundation to help the children who are less privileged. The amount of power he has is tiny compared to Patorno, if Patorno would’ve attempted to stop these actions Sandusky was performing, there is a higher likelihood that someone of power would’ve paid more attention and possibly stopped them several years ago. These men of authority who have power, behaved deviantly and focused their attention on football instead. Through the functionalist framework would Sandusky’s actions be justified, if you can call them that. Sandusky ignored the fact that he was hurting young boys psychologically and emotionally. Instead he focused on the idea that he was helping these boys out, by having his foundation to help those children who didn’t have the economic sources to play football. His targets were young boys, who were on the lower end of the economic spectrum and were in broken families. Sandusky believed that he could help these boys by providing them gifts, and the opportunity to play football. Through football they would learn skills that could be applied to life. I believe that this whole scandal is a tragedy. It is sad, to see what other Americans have made football as their priority and ignore the lives of young boys who are now scarred for life. If someone would’ve committed for the safety of these boys when speculation first arose many years ago, then the number of victims would’ve decreased. Unfortunately, the parents of these children believed that this camp was something good for their kids, no one expects their kids to be harmed in a safe environment like Pen State’s campus.
Maritza L.
Kin 332 i
Sodomy is now okay in society!
Penn State had the power to cover up the deviant behavior from the media. They intersect at the point where those with power are able to make the media turn a blind eye to their wrong doings. As long as they have so much power they are able to turn the media away.
The crime was committed because of a flaw in the system. This whole situation was able to get out of hand because of the power that the school has. If it weren't for this idea that the football coaches are invincible and untouchable the number of rapes would have stopped at one. The continued deviance was supported by the organization. The college was able to cover up the scandal and thus allow it to continue to fester. It is not the fault of the person for being corrupted but rather the whole system that allows behavior like this to exist without cracking down on it.
My reaction is one of disgust. The whole situation sucks. Everything from those involved to the reaction of those closest to the situation. Sandusky deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life were he won't be with children and the only raping that will be going on is most likely not going to be in his favor. Paterno ruined his reputation by allowing something like this to go unattended to, if it weren't for his sterling record I'm sure that he would be either pursued by the courts or ran out of town as he deserves to be. Penn State managed to not only screw up in allowing this to happen and actually helping facilitate further actions by giving him access to everything he needed to continue but then it also failed to save its reputation due mainly to its student population. I understand it is not all the students who are making asses out of themselves but the loud majority have managed to ruin it. Any chance of Penn State salvaging their reputation for the foreseeable future has been lost. The fact that the main concern and focus point for much coverage surrounds Joe Paterno is an abhorrent. Right now there are victims who are dealing with very real concerns that will last for the rest of their lives and yet we are talking about football and what's going to happen to Paterno. Its ridiculous how out of touch with reality these people are. Society in general is just messed up if this is allowed to happen and when it is brought into light we are still able to argue about it. There should not be two sides to this debate, there is clearly obvious evidence that cannot be denied that Sandusky raped children (not fooled around as he claims). It was rape simple as that and yet people are still outraged at the fallout that occurred. All in all I'm just sick of hearing about it, I'm fed up with the whining and arguing, and lastly I'm pissed off that this has to get so out of hand it is even invading into my classes at school. It should have been swiftly dealt with or better yet prevented. Its a bleak day indeed when football is able to overshadow the real life concern of rape involving children. There are more important things going on like Occupy Wall Street and the continually increasing tuition that should be the main concern and talk of college students. Change should be coming from other places that can be built upon. Yet here we are, discussing something that never should have been able to happen distracting us from more important matters. I have absolutely nothing more to say about this topic.
Ryan Plunkett Kin 338/332
PSU Paterno Sandusky
PSU Scandal
The media had made the scandal be known to public. At the same time they have experts analysis the situation and explained with reason that Sandusky is guilty. Sandusky including some of the school official who didn't do anything about it are to blame for sexually abuse on young children to occur.
The functionalist theory would help explain for this occurrence. Since football is the sport that is being perpetually shown on tv and it become a highly value sport. They don't want to ruin the reputation of football so this it got cover up.
Kin 332I
PSU Scandal
Distance Learning- PSU Scandal
Distance Learning Assignment
This whole Penn State Scandal is a strong example of how Functionalists fall short. I don’t see how any sane individual would be understanding of Sandusky’s disgusting acts; however, a functionalist might be more understanding about Joe Paterno’s, and others involved, actions, or better yet, lack there of. They might see the importance of protecting the football program’s reputation and as a means to avoid conflict might try and keep the whole issue hush hush. Now that the story’s out, the media, especially twitter, has done a good job at providing a lot of inside story to the general public that I believe is necessary for people to see. I find it absolutely ridiculous that students were protesting for Joe Paterno’s job. Despite how revered he may be as a coach the fact of the matter is that children were being raped, he knew this was going on, and he chose not to make the necessary actions to protect future victims. To put ones reputation and football before the lives of innocent children portrays how dreadfully warped the minds of people in power can become. Although I do believe the media has given a lot of coverage on the whole scandal, they have put way too much emphasis on how the events have effected Joe Paterno’s life and career rather than emphasizing those of the children. Personally, I feel enraged and scared that this whole thing happened and was kept under wraps for so long. I am enraged for obvious reasons but this news also frightens me because to hear that people who were so loved and respected could be involved in such a hateful and deceitful crime is terrorizing to me. Perhaps it was ignorance or denial and perhaps the people involved are feeling regret, not only for their ruined reputation, but because they truly recognize how hideous and wrong Sandusky’s actions were. However, this being said, it frightens me to think that people can be so wrapped up in their own world that they fail to recognize something as alarmingly unforgivable as rape.
Abby Puente
PSU Scandal
Distance Learning Assignment
It is a horrific story. Kids have been hurt and probably dramatized for life because of a monster. Sandusky is the monster who has confessed that he has showered with the kids of his football program. Its not just that either because once the higher authority of Penn state heard about it they didn't take any action. It just sickinning to hear that these people turned their heads away from these kids and let Sandusky continue his camp.
Reading up on this scandal on twitter made me think about a question. I wonder is this scandal would be as big as it is if a women was touching little girls? I believe they wouldve tooken the same action, but I dont think the media would of had picked it up. It would of probably gone under the radar. Not because it was women, but because it didnt involve a big time head coach like Joe Paterno. I also think the media probably wouldnt make a big fuzz about it if it was a small college instead of Penn State. What do you think? Do you think if the scandal was women on girl at a small college it would be all over the news like the one at Penn State?
DLA-Penn State Scandal
now it seems this is all anybody ca talk about. First of all it was a set of
horrible crimes that were committed against young children, but it was followed
but a second, also disturbing act of cover up by members of the Athletic
Department at Penn State. I find this scandal disgusting because these men were
put in positions of power and they abused it against the most innocent members
of our society. Now only Sandusky committed rape and molestation but the other
people involved failed to act and protect the children involved. Social media
has played a huge part in the delivering of news to people, especially via sites
like Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etcetera. People all over the web have added
their opinions. However, the social media is focusing on things like the Penn
State students being upset and petitioning, and honestly, who cares? I bet not
one of those students petitioning was ever molested by Sandusky. The thing that
social media needs to be focusing on is justice, and standing up for the rights
of these children, because if this were any other group of men, aside from the
athletic department from Penn State, everyone would be outraged. Again, these
men were in positions of power and abused that power (as a form of deviance)
because they did not want to bring a scandal on to the Penn State University,
even though now its the biggest scandal of the decade thus far. As a way of
overconforming, people did not report to the authorities but did the minimum as
far as what they thought was right. Media has now come inand blown this
scandal was up. I think from a interactionist framework one might look at this
scandal and say that it is not that these individuals lack a moral code, but we
need to look at the biggest picture and understand that they may have been
overconforming to protect the institution. Now, this is not to say that this is
right, or any one of these men are not to blame, but it is saying that all the
blame does not fall on these individual's moral compasses. Instead, it is the
dynamics and structure of the organization they have at Penn State, and the fact
that that entire organization failed. As for Sandusky, he abused the power he
had, and abused the relationships he had developed with these children. He has
tainted their self-image, and probably ruined the meaning they had put in to
Danae Delfin
Kin 332I
**sorry this is duplicate, forgot to put my name on the first one
Distance Learning Assignment
DLA-Penn State Scandal
and blown this scandal was up. I think from a interactionist framework one might look at this scandal and say that it is not that these individuals lack a moral code, but we need to look at the biggest picture and understand that they may have been overconforming to protect the institution. Now, this is not to say that this is right, or any one of these men are not to blame, but it is saying that all the blame does not fall on these individual's moral compasses. Instead, it is the dynamics and structure of the organization they have at Penn State, and the fact that that entire organization failed. As for Sandusky, he abused the power he had, and abused the relationships he had developed with these children. He has tainted their self-image, and probably ruined the meaning they had put in to sports.
Distance Learning Assignment
Power, media, and deviance intersect because of how long this scandal has been hidden. For this tragedy to go on for 21 years, but now possibly 41 years is ridiculous. Those who witnessed Sandusky molest those boys, those who knew he was doing it and let it happen, and those who assisted and made it possible for him to continue kept it under wraps because they knew it would jeopardize their careers. They did not want to put their positions of power at risk by not revealing Sandusky, and they only dug themselves a deeper hole the longer they kept it a secret.
There is no excuse for the actions committed by Sandusky and for those who kept it a secret. A job is not an excuse to cover up for someone who commits a crime as serious as molestation. If people like Paterno were worried about their job or the money, or reputation, they could have saved face by turning in Sandusky when it was first learned that he was molesting boys. They could have avoided all that is happening now, but hind sight is 20/20. There is no defending any of the men associated with this case.
Distance Learning Assignment
Distance Learning Penn State Scandal
Distance Learning Assignment
Deviance as well as power and media all closely connect to society by often times making it seem that laws can be broken without serious consequences. Joe Paterno and the others who were involved in this cunning incident are not being fully punished for what they committed. But if the ones who had committed this were normal everyday blue and white color workers then we would get the worst of it. They get leeway simply because of the reputation they have created with their professions and privilege. I would say that deviance, power and media go hand in hand when it comes to unjust acts, which is why I see this whole debate from a cultural theoretical perspective.
Sandusky has no moral values, no ethics, and no principles! I feel that every member in this scandal is just as guilty as the next. Paterno knew that nothing had been said to high authorities and refused to go out of his way to do something morally correct. Why didn’t he? Because he was too preoccupied with losing all he had attained in his profession, his legacy and the football program at PSU. Even thought the law is the law and many times people seem to surpass it, it shouldn’t matter who you are, your age, especially your race what is wrong is wrong and you should get punished just as everyone else according to your proceedings.
Distance Learning Assignment: PSU scandal
Sandusky Scandal
Jason Trapschuh
Kin332I t/r
Distance Learning - PSU Scandal
Distance Learning assignment
horrific scandal of the century. With
all the news covering the Penn State scandal everyone in the world is being
exposed to it. The media has given the
people the possibility to speak out about the scandal through twitter and other
networking sites.
This horrific case that happen in Penn State shows how
people in some form of power, use their power by taking advantage of people
that are in lesser power (in this case young kids with a low social class).
Finally, the media has so much power to make the public have a certain reaction
to horrible events. The media can easily
ruin someone’s reputation or clear their name.
It is clear that Sandusky is a pedophile and has to be
locked up for life for his crimes that he has committed. However, Paternos involvement is a sad
representation of humanity. It’s awful when one would rather protect their
carrier rather than doing the right thing.
This is clearly one of the most disturbing scandals that came
out in our time. However, it is not the
only horrific event that has ever happen about kids being raped. Kids all over the world are always being
abused by others. We as a humane society
have to take action when anything of this matter is presented in our lives. So this is for everyone, anyone that
encounters a rape in any form do something about it, do the right thing and
drop kick the SOB.
Rodrigo Uribe
Kin 338I Sec 06
Distant Learning - PSU Scandal
Sandusky has no ethics and that he is morally bankrupt. He has no morals and no sense of right and wrong and this can be looked at as deviant undercomformity. At the same time, I feel Joe Paterno is guilty just as much as the next guy because he didn't tell the proper authorities and even if he did, common sense would tell you, if nothing is being done about it after a while, maybe you should do something about it again. But he cared too much about his legacy and the PSU football program to do the right thing. Once again, we can see Paterno's actions from a absolutists approach, because he cared too much about his legacy to do the right thing and inform the proper authorities. Overall, I beleive that no one is above the law, no matter what, it doesn't matter how old you are, or what your name is, or what your legacy is, no one is above the law and these guys were in the wrong for what they did (Sandusky) and what they failed to do (Paterno) .
Travis Benson
kin 332I
Distance Learning- What have we become??
