Thursday, November 17, 2011

PSU Scandal

The scandal that occurred at Penn State is a difficult subject matter because like many other political and social issues, there will never be a majority on either side. The most horrific part of this issue is that it brings to light a very sensitive topic that happens all the time, but this particular situation is so hyped up because of the players involved. Most people find themselves leaning to one side or the other, where some people are just absolutely mortified at the thought of a man that everyone trusted to do something so disgusting that he would mentally screw with the lives of young boys for the rest of their lives, or on the other side where a football coach and his legacy after 60+ years would be forever tainted. It's terrible that these issues are just coming to light, along with the scandals occurring at Syracuse. I can only imagine that more and more problems of the past will be coming out in the media soon enough. As horrible as it is that these issues are just coming out, at least they are coming out and giving others the courage to step forward and tell their stories, so we can stop future occurrences from happening. The first recruit for the 2012 Penn State team has officially declined his offer and I know that this is the beginning of a decline of this ultimate football legacy.

- Clara Cho
KIN 338i S.6

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