Monday, December 10, 2012

Media And Sports Connected is Beneficial

This article is an example of how sports and media are connected.  Sports paly a major role in the media success of specific media companies such as yahoo and NBC in this article. These two companies are coming together so they can make a higher profit and have more control of the sports media. They created contract that allows them to have separate websites but share information to bring in more revenue for the companies. The sports teams will benefit from this, with the more news and broadcasting the more the sports teams are viewed and more people will be encouraged to attend games and spend more of paraphernalia for the specific teams. Sports and media are great for each other and this article is great example of how media benefits form the sports and what is being done in the sports and media industry.

Jasmine Jones
Kin 332i T/Th 2-3:15  class section 06 11144

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